FanLib=The Devil (or so they say)

May 29, 2007 12:22

So, I got a new laptop last week and have been adding on my bookmarks for my fav sites on the internets, when I ran across an ad banner for a new fanfic site, FanLib...

I didn't think anything of it, just clicked through to see what the hell it was about. I found myself quickly disinterested based on two things: 1) I've never seen a fanfic site advertise itself before-- I've only ever heard of them through word-of-mouth, so it automatically lost its legitimacy; 2) It barely had any content that I would want to read.
Then I read this article about the whole FanLib debacle...Looks like they have MASSIVE corporate backing and it's turning the spotlight on not only fanfiction, but also fandom in general. And it looks like fanfic writers/readers are already shunning the very new site-- with good reason, too. This also translates into a story of how corporate backing can ruin any good thing...

So, if you enjoy reading fanfic, I highly suggest you read this article-- if we're not careful, the media law powers-that-be (read: The Man) could step in and take away our fun...And while I understand the need for media law (I DO work with the media), it would be a shame if it affected the enjoyment I get out of reading and writing fanfic.

I just hope that the spotlight being cast on fandom helps legitimize things, as opposed to just another "point and laugh" reaction...

musings, controversy, fanfic

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