Jul 01, 2007 01:04
I feel like i have turned on the LJ and am making out with face book behind its back, you know beneath the bleachers, all sexy and dangerous like.
*note: i have actually never made out behind or under any bleachers before in my life (yet? i guess?), a foot ball field at night: yes; bleachers: no*
Ok well that's my over dramatic way of saying im on the face book i guess. I think it was due to the limited internet access in the house for a while, so once i got it back i wanted something new, young, sexy, and full of people i know not here. Gosh i feel like a bad person for some reason (no not really) but now i feel like Ho'oh and i will actually be friends, instead of just lab partners.
I guess im a little shocked at how fun Facebook it, but nothing compares to Adult swim. I played bible fight and 5 mins to kill your self. Both amusing.
My mom is coming to town on Monday and leaving the morning of the 5th. My job orientation starts the 6th at 9am. I'm looking forward to finally have something to fill the time with and give me a little more purpose in life. But all new chapter so im obviously a little worried. Especially in regards to the 10 hour work days, I see (rather hear) how Benjamin is after a few of those, so how can I handle 4 of those every week back to back? I'll figure something out. Also the more I think about it the more I would be in love with a part time job at cosmic monkey (not that they are hiring, but I realized today that they don't have a single female employee, odd) . Oh but my mom. This will be the first bout of extended time spent with just each other post coming out to her *gulp* little worried. I kinda of want to take her and Tyler to the body works 3 exhibit at OMSI. Also im a little worried because she wants to come and put in shelves but we can't modify the house without the land lord's permission, and I would HATE to see the two of them but heads. HATE HATE HATE, and no this not to strong of a word to use for the situation.
But in the mean time I'm happy composing a boxy box to send off to some supper cute piece of tail I know. Did you thrown up a little bit in your mouth? 'Cus I know I did ½ way through typing it while I was thinking it, haha, I sorta like being obnoxiously in love right now!