School Update

Oct 27, 2005 21:53

I've finally gotten around to updating what's been going on since school started. Since August, it's mostly been stress and a bunch of shit. And I thought Senior year was supposed to be easy...-_-

Anyway, I have five classes this year. My grades have been pretty high (bar those few classes that I just can't do. Spanish and Pyschical Science being two). Well this year I have another bad class. Econ (Economics). I have no idea what it is, but I just can NOT get the materal. I'm just barely floating at an average -_-. I dun care what grade I get as long as it's not flat out failing. Becasue if I fail, I take it again second semster, ALONG with Goverment...So I'm trying to avoid that...Wish me luck.

I probably shouldn't mention this since it's been resolved, but near the beginning of the school year, we've gotten into confertation about where we sit. Group of girls wanted us to be and we didn't, so it escalated. Almost became a fight until they finally realized "First come, first serve". We arrived there a whole 30 mins earlier than they did and thier trying to kick us off just so they can sit down for like...5-10 mins. Whatever.

They have since found another place to sit.

Going outside of school for a moment and to my work. Yes I even have work issues adding onto this. I like everyone at my work, enjoy working with them and just plain talking to them. Everyone that is, expect the assistant manager of my store. He came in sometime over the summer because our other one decided to quit and I didn't like him from the getgo. Only because than, I thought he was too uptight and serious. Now it's because he keeps ragging on me, telling me I'm not doing my job the way I'm supposed. I'm under 18, I can't cashier. So I striaghten the store to make sure it looks alright. Plus I do the ice cream as well. Some days, I enjoy it. Some days, I wish I was up front more. It's a tedious and boring job but I make due. Anyway, you would think you can't screw up straighten. It's so simple. Just pull two or three items forward, making sure thier facing the right way, and move on. Well he says I'm not supposed to do that. He says I'm supposed to walk the middle of the store and fill in the holes and that's it. I sure as hell didn't understand it so I went to my boss to MAKE sure I was doing it right because the assistant said if I kept going the way I was going, I was going to get terminated. So it rattled me. To the point I started crying when I got off of work an hour later the FIRST time he did it. So I told my boss, asked him if I was doing okay and if I COULD get terminated for not doing it good. He said no I could and said he would talk to him.

He never did, I dun think, and I've gotten ragged on at least three more times since. I don't cry in anger anymore like I used to. I get pissed off and rant.

Back to school for a moment, more importantly a good friend of mine. My friend, Mitchel passed away, within a month of school starting.

There were a lot of us who took it hard. However, Keva took it the worst. He cried and he wouldn't come around us right away. His dumbass of a brother didn't help matters much either...Anyway there's nothing more I can really say about Mitchel. He was a good friend, an anime fanatic as well, and he liked to draw...That's about it...

Oh yes, I'm sure a lot of you will get a kick outta this. I took Driver's Ed over the summer. And yesterday I took my first Behind-the-Wheel training. "OMG the girl who REFUSED to learn to drive, is driving!" Or something similar running through some of your heads right now. And pretty much, yea your right. I DIDN'T want to learn to drive, but my parents said I have to know. So first training.

I was so stressed and so tense, after I got home and started to calm down, I got a fucking tension headache. It's the first time I've been so bad in that area I've suffered a headache for it.

Which brings us to today. I was HOPING it would be an easy day. Easy at school, working load at work to restock the store. Piece of cake right?

Not even close.

Lunch time. My group of friends are doing thier little thing. Yelling, chasing each other, and being publicly affectionate (hugging, kissing, touching. That sorta thing). A narc busts us. Thrid time she's done it, telling us we, in a nutshell, need to stop acting so childish or she'll take us up to the V.P.'s. So that right there, pissed me off to NO end. We're supposed to act all serious and working hard while in class. What gives her the right to tell us that we can't act childish at lunch? We need to let off that steam and energy that's been pint up inside and that's OUR way of doing it.

So tell me, does she have the right, even though she's a narc, to tell us not to yell, chase each other, or display public acts of affection? In a sense, NOT act childish?

Seriously, I want to know your opinions.

But either way, since she threatened to take us up to the V.P's. I basically asked everyone, who's with me on going up there BEFORE she gets us up there? And talking to the V.P. to see what SHE says about all of this? Mostly everyone agreed. So tomarrow at lunch, we're going up to see the V.P. to see if we can get the narc off our backs.

God all this stress and drama within the three months of school. I turn 18 in three months. If I can barely survive this without suffering conquesnces, how will I survive in the real world?
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