Apr 30, 2012 15:23
My Dearest Ryobi:
I know you're lonely on the weekends when The Preferred Lap and I are away; however, The Cat's Maid had been coming in to check on you and make sure you have plenty of water and food in our absence.
Do not tell me tales of how neglected you were in our absence. You were not stuck with pins, you were most certainly not starved, and I seriously doubt that The Cat's Maid threatened to sell you to the Gypsies. She calls me every evening to tell me how you're doing; I know she's been spending hours sitting in the comfy chair cuddling you and has been feeding you tidbits of tasty people food. You're lucky she's such a soft touch.
I, too, miss the Crabby Old Lady Cat. Once Faire is over and The Preferred Lap and I are home for more than three days a week, we will start looking for a companion for you.
Much Love,
The Hands That Fluff You