A Day Late [Ren/Tatsu, AU]

Aug 17, 2007 10:52

So, hello. This is a repost, btw. Some of you may recognize this. This is my fic of epic failing porportions written for Trinity. And since Trinity has hoodwinked me into writing a second part of it, I figured I may as well put the first one up here first. Link leads to my writing journal/comm: abitofvineger, and is one of the last unlocked entries on there. :3

Title:A Day Late
Author: overtoned
Word Count: 1, 173
Characters/Paring: Renji/Tatsuki
Rating: G-PG13?
Warnings: AU. Pretend Soul Society does not exist. Severe incompetence on my behalf. Drinking. Lots of it. Oh, and I have no knowledge in alcohol whatsoever, so if you drink, and you actually know about drinks, you might LOL.
("Gimme some more of that pissy drink.")
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