Bleach: Renji/Tatsuki [Love Comes Again]

Dec 01, 2006 12:09

A burst of inspiration and love for these two.

Title: Love Comes Again
Rating: PG, for the angst
Pairing: Renji/Tatsuki, mentions of one-sided Renji/Rukia, Rukia/Ichigo
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bleach.
Spoilers: Beginning of current Arrankarar arc, probably slightly AU. No spoilers.
Summary: When you think you would never love again, sometimes love finds you...

The link below sends you to my journal!

Love Comes Again

Comments & Criticisms are welcome! If not, just feed the plot bunnies and leave me a comment.

Cross-posted in kurosaki_clinic and ren_tatsu
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