Jul 24, 2002 12:59
Its a weird day. I was up till 1 in the morning last night, when I had to get up at six. I'm dead tierd, but its my own fault.
My wallet was returned, without the money of course, so that was good. Except I'd canceled my keycard, so still no money. I recieved it today so yay! Money for Renny!
I want to send Big Big Hugs to LilliStar. I know she probably won't read this, but Big Big Hugs.
In happier news, Tommorow is SydneyCon! i'm so nervous! I'm still convinced that everyone will point and laugh at the Westie. (except Sara, Rhea, whatever I'll call her who won't know what a Westie is) I'm so nervous over it,