Jan 02, 2004 00:08
Everyone else has done a year in review, so I figured why not. The year started off pretty good but as most of you know it didn't end on the best note :( Here are some of the things I'll remember 2003 for......
In January I was given a mobile home from some friends of my parents, the only thing I had to pay for was to have it moved. It wasn't in the greatest condition but it would be a place for the first time since I was divorced, for Caleb and I to make our own.
On January 10, we celebrated my grandpa's 82nd birthday. On July 27th we celebrated my grandma's 87th birthday and on October 25th we celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary together:)
In March, I got to drive down to Orlando with my friend Keri to see Tony Lucca perform at Borders bookstore. It was then that I truly fell in love with him and his music.:) I also got to meet a fellow AEJCIAer, Mariah:) Like a dumbass I didn't really start talking to her until right before the show....for which I am still kicking myself in the ass for being such a shy retard, lol. She was the sweetest person and I'm glad I got to meet her:)
In May, I got to go on a trip to Chicago with two more AEJCIAers...Anna and Andrea. We had so much fun in the city. This would be one of many times I would get to see them again:)
On July 10th, I celebrated my 30th birthday. A day at the time I just wanted to forget, lol. I was given a surprise party at work with my coworkers wearing t-shirts with my baby picture on them. Later that week I went out with some of my co-workers from K-Mart to celebrate a little more.
In the middle of July, I drove down to Miami all by myself to meet up with Andrea to attend my second CFTC with Nsync. It was hot and humid but Andrea and I managed to have fun anyways. At the game I got to meet Rose and Jessica, both from AEJCIA.
In October after lots of TLC, remodeling, renovations and lots of packing and moving, Caleb and I moved into our very first home:)
October 26th my little boy celebrated his 8th birthday. Time flies...it seems as though just yesterday he was baby and here he is now turning into a little man:)
In November I got the chance to see Tony Lucca perform again in Orlando AND I got to meet up with Anna again:) I got to meet her sister Karen who along with Anna were funny as hell....WOO-HOO, nice ass, lol:)
Toward the end of November my family got the bad news that my grandpa wasn't doing so well and that the doctors didn't give him very long to live. Never in our lives did we think it would happen so soon but on December 8th, my grandpa passed away. It is a day that will forever be embedded in my mind, one I'm sure I'll never forget. I still miss him deeply and wish he were still with us:(
One day after his funeral I left for NYC. It was a trip I thought about not taking in light of what had happened days earlier. After lots of encouraging words I decided to go and had a memorable time with three friends Anna, Andrea and Jessica. I got to see the city for the first time in my life. I got to see my first Broadway show...which kicked ass:) I got to see snow, which is a rarity for a Florida girl, lol. I had so much fun:)
Three days after coming home from NYC, I left again for a trip to Boston. I met up with Anna, Andrea and Jessica again:) I got to see the city of Boston and the place where Andrea lives....SO beautiful in the snow. On December 20th while there, I attended a solo performance by the very own JC Chasez and was in awe of his performance. I was so proud of him and his achievements and how far he had come to get to this place:)
All in all 2003 was a pretty good year except for the passing of my grandpa. I am hoping that 2004 will be just as good if not better. I hope I will get to hang on to loved ones and friends for another year and make many more memories to look back on:)