Oct 29, 2004 22:28
I swear I'll never go back there ever. First the guide was tellin us this, that, and third. Then we went into this room and they had the Texas Chainsaw joint playin on a big screen and then this girl runs in talkin about "He's tryin to kill me help help help!". Out of the blue some man comes out with a chainsaw. I got up and ran for the door which was locked and I started screamin and freakin out. Folks are cryin and yellin. The guide runs and unlocks the door and takes us down this hall with these heads stickin out of the wall. The heads were twistin around and talkin. Best believe I was on the guide's heels. They took us to another room with the Ring playin on another big screen. I swear to Bob that lil gurl came out of the screen. She started clawin on people and lookin at'em like she was crazy. Once again I ran. My cousin was in the corner screamin her ass off. We got out of there and they took was down this hall with hands. The hands would grab people and pull them into the wall. One touched my arm and I damn near pissed my pants. We went through this grave yard and people would just pop up out of the ground and grab you. My cousin was runnin faster than I was. At the end they gave away prizes and food but I was to freaked out to stay so we left. I was shakin the whole way home. I think I need a hug....lol