On Gambit...
"Gambit is in the film. When we showed footage at Comic-Con the place just went mental. He’s played by Taylor Kitsch who does a great, great job.
He’s a little more showy than Wolverine, but there’s a similarity. They’re outsiders, they’re wise-cracking, they’re anti-authority.
In this movie Gambit plays the role a little bit like Wolverine did in the first X-Men. He’s not part of any group, he’s not on anybody’s side. Wolverine gets him because he needs the information off him, but Gambit’s not going to give it - not without a fight. And they get a fight, the two of them get a fight. I’m really, really happy with the dynamic between the two.
I quite liked Pyro in X-Men 2. I really loved that kind of relationship, because he turns to the dark side in a way. I always feel when I was acting that Wolverine could see a lot of himself in Pyro, y’know? The loose cannon.
And just a little aggressive, a little badass really and it’s the same with Gambit. Gambit’s got a little bit of that. A little showy, a little flashy, arrogant, so kind of Wolverine… They have a dynamic where they love giving each other shit. There’s some good stuff in there."
full interview