Start of the Week

Sep 13, 2010 12:13

I know you read these now Amelia, but I am still going to write what is on my mind. We can talk about anything I write if you want, that is fine. I still am going to just keep writing when I figure stuff out.


It is what my wife and I need to do to survive the next few months, maybe even something to start for the rest of our lives. Going out and doing things, without prompting, without asking, seeking out ways on our own to help our spouse. This will lead to success.

It is hard for us when we hurt each other so much, when we aren't as open, when there is not as much trust and listening. Amelia made the point that she was more emotional when we got married, but has switched to more mental forms of control in more recent months. That effects the way she handles things, including our marriage. She has gotten some thigns organized for sure, but some things seems different. I think the main point of that summary however, is how we both choose to handle things. We handle things in a reactive manner. I KNOW I am more emotional sometimes and more mental others. I know that right now, I am getting more focused and mentally in control than I have in years.

The danger remains that we will fall farther apart if we just buckle down.

We need to find in our own ways, and most importantly as a couple, how to actively seek out ways to help ourselves, our spouse, and our marriage, and we need to balance the mental and emotianl parts. There are things that need to be done for our emotional needs, and things that need to be done that require moremental control. The act of a proactive balance needs to be achived.

Amelia is great at breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manigiable chuncks. Maybe I am the stratagist, and she is the tactician, even though we share objectives.


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