Remus/Sirius on crack_broom

Jul 30, 2010 21:33

I don't know how many of you out there are fans of the comm crack_broom  but there have been some stunning administrative changes that may affect our pairing in the future. For those of you that don't know, crack_broom  is a recs community that has been around forever. Each month different people get a chance to rec a variety of pairings. I myself only found out about it in the last few months, but it is one of the Harry Potter fandoms landmarks, so to speak. They have several "permanent" pairings that are based not on the popularity of a certain pairing, but on the number of people in the queue willing to rec those pairings.

The rules about how a pairing can lose its status have not been very clear, but it seems the mods want to see at least 5-8 people signed up to rec. They are so serious about this that they recently demoted Snape/Lupin and Snape/Harry to "rare pair" status. These are two very popular pairings, with lots of fests, lots of people writing and creating art, but apparently not enough people willing to rec the pairing to maintain their permanent status.

The queue for Remus/Sirius has been consistently low for several months. Right now there are 5 people signed up which is awesome, but if it dwindles like it has been, Remus/Sirius could get the boot to rare pair status. According to this thread the Snupin queue was usually about three deep, sometimes lower, but never empty. If it could happen to Snupin, it could happen to Remus/Sirius.

I know its a bit off putting to commit to reccing several months in advance - if you are 8th in the queue (which means your turn will come up 8 months down the line)  who knows what real life might be throwing at you, but doing so would help ensure that our pairing isn't relegated to rare pair status. If life is throwing too much at you, you could always decline to do it for that month.

Again, it is not the popularity of the pairing that is evaluated, but how many people are willing to rec. The clearest example of that I can offer is that Snape/Lupin is out and Ron/Pansy is in. I am sure Ron/Pansy is a fine ship, with wonderful pieces of fic and art, but its no Snupin in terms of participation and interest.

So, with all that said, I implore you to sign up to rec and not give the mods at crack_broom  any reason to determine that Remus/Sirius is a rare pairing.
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