Title: To-Do List
thoughtpoisonRating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All recognisable characters belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros.
Warnings: Teeth-rotting fluff and a hint at naked!Sirius.
Notes: This was written for
seventybyheart as part of the
joint_gifts exchange. Her promt was: I'd love to see something during the first holiday season after Hogwarts, in Sirius' flat. Post-Christmas. No first-time scenarios but anything else is okay, from friendfic to preslash to porn, although not so keen on the PWP. Bonus points for boyish goofing-off. Double bonus points for fitting both other Marauders and a bit of Sirius/Remus alone time into the fic.
To-Do List
thoughtpoison Sirius Black had a plethora of quirks unique to his person. From brushing his teeth in the slower to leaving his teabag in his tea while drinking it to, and this was one of Remus’s favourites, making a To Do List every morning and sticking it up on the fridge with a single magnet that changed depending on the season.
The one that Remus was currently skimming while standing half-asleep in the kitchen and nursing a hot mug of hot chocolate was held in place by a Christmas tree. It read:
1. Clean house.
Remus nodded in to his mug. The flat was a disaster. Bits of wrapping paper and ribbon that they’d not bothered to throw out the day before lay strewn about all over, mostly in crumpled heaps round the Christmas tree. Empty wine bottles sat on various surfaces left over from a night of holiday debauchery. Remus was glad he’d stocked up on hangover potion the week before.
2. Buy more alcohol.
Sirius would have to do that on his own. Remus closed his eyes and concentrated on inhaling the sweet aroma of his hot chocolate. After last night he was confident in his decision to not so much as look at another bottle of alcohol for the next fifty years.
3. Tell Jim & Pete.
What now? Remus had Owled them both telling them to arrive around three that afternoon. Both new to bring a dinner contribution and both were also aware of the fact that since Christmas Day was spent with family and significant others that this evening’s gathering was to be Marauder’s Only by decree of Sirius Black. So…tell them what?
‘Tell Jim and Pete what, Sirius?’ Remus shouted, not because he was angry, but because he’d just heard Sirius stumble out of the shower. He placed his empty mug in the sink and headed to the bathroom.
He found Sirius with a towel wrapped around his waist and a toothbrush dangling from his mouth. He appeared to be inspecting a spot on the side of his nose.
‘Oh, that’s attractive,’ Remus smirked. Sirius nearly choked on his toothbrush.
‘Merlin’s Beard, Moony!’ Sirius picked his toothbrush out of the sink, piled on some more toothpaste and stuck it back in his mouth. He abandoned scrutinizing his spot (which Remus couldn’t even see) and actually began to brush his teeth.
‘Tell Jim and Pete what?’ Remus asked again.
‘Eh?’ said Sirius. Brush, brush, brush.
‘Tell. Jim. And. Pete. What?’
‘Tell…Jim…Pete…?’ The wheels in Sirius’s head appeared to be turning. Then, as if a light bulb had gone off: ‘OH! The list, right. Well,’ (here he paused to spit out his toothpaste and rinse out his mouth) ‘I just figured that since we’ve been together since sixth year we should probably think about, you know, telling them?’
‘Telling them,’ Remus repeated.
‘About us.’
‘Yes, I gathered that, Sirius.’
Remus sat down on the edge of the bathtub and talked to Sirius’s reflection in the mirror above the sink. ‘I’m not saying that we shouldn’t or anything…’
‘But?’ Sirius was back to prodding his face. ‘Damnit, Moony, do you know where that magical spot cream went to?’
‘But do you think they’re ready to hear it?’ Then: ‘Mirror cabinet behind the Pepper-Up Potion.’
Sirius didn’t reply at first. Instead he opened his newly acquired bottle of magical spot remover and applied a liberal amount on to the non-existent blemish on his nose. He looked in the mirror again but focused his eyes on Remus rather than his own reflection. ‘I think…’ he began, slowly, ‘…that if they’re not…then they’ll just have to get over it.’
Remus grinned and picked up Sirius’s discarded pyjama pants from the bathroom floor. ‘You’ll chicken out,’ he said matter-of-factly as he absently began to fold.
‘I won’t! When was the last time I chickened out of something? And how many times have I told you not to fold my clothes?
‘Just last week when you were dead set on buying James a stack of dirty mags for Christmas and as for the folding, at least one hundred and seventy-five since school ended.’ Remus tossed the pants back on to the floor.
‘I didn’t get the mags because I didn’t want to be castrated by Lily. I didn’t chicken out, I was merely thinking of others.’ Sirius was having a shave now. Remus fought the urge to compare his shaving cream covered face to Father Christmas and instead inquired as to how, exactly, not buying porn for James equalled thinking of others.
‘Well, think, Moony. Use that gigantic brain of yours. What use would you possibly have for me if Lily’d cut my bits off?
‘Point taken,’ Remus nodded. ‘How kind of you.’
‘I try,’ Sirius gave his face a rinse and finally turned away from the sink. ‘So, tell Jim and Pete?’
Remus allowed Sirius to pull him up from the bathtub ledge while pretending to mull it over. He felt Sirius’s towel drop to the floor and laughed. ‘All right, all right, we’ll tell them. Put your pants back on.’
‘Happy Christmas, Remus,’ Sirius whispered after a kiss.
Remus just smiled.