Bitch ass

Mar 26, 2004 02:05

Adventures are made for the Spring Break! So I completed my great adventure on wednesday and now my body is still paying for it. The task: A Urban hike just shy of 22 miles. The reason: nothing better to do with my time. Now this is the part where I tell you that I am not in fact clinically insane... just really really bored. But isn't boredem the root of all mental disorders. Take ADD and ADHD for instance. Ofcourse we'll wait for my rant on ADD. Back to my adventure. It all started with me joking around with Casey on tuesday night. I told him that I was going to walk to his house. He replied with a semi sarcastic "Good Luck". I took this as a challenge however and dilligently set my alarm for 5 am. I woke up and packed my backpack and marched triumphantly out the front door of my SW Portland home at about 5:28 am, greeted by pouring rain and a grueling hike ahead. On the way I scoped out some good mirrors to steal on both Humpherey and Dosch. I checked my cell at approximetly 7:30. I was already to Sylvan. This is about 5 miles away from my house. I kept walking taking a shortcut to Barnes road and hitting Miller then Cornell. I hit Skyline and inevetibly my arch nemisis: Forest Heights. My dad called me at 8:30 to see if I wanted to be picked up. I promptly refused and wished him a good day at work. Just for the record this was the 2nd time I had ever been on skyline in the daytime. I had no idea the length of this road or the distance to Casey's house. I was optomistic though. Thinking that I had about 5 miles to go when in reality I had about 12. I started to hit the rural part of skyline blvd. when the dark storm clouds started to rool in with thier ominous shadow. I heard thunder in the distance and conluded that it was time to put on my trusty rain coat. Boy, am I glad I did. The haild started to come down in sheets. It pelted my hands, the only body part exposed. I thought it would let up but in a matter of minutes it had effectivley enveloped the road in a blanket of white. This was glorious. I'm sure I must have looked truely pathetic. Anyways the hail on the road started to melt and the clouds disapated and I started to near a road. I was sure it was Newberry the road that I needed to take down to get to Casey's house. But much to my dissapointment it was Germantown Rd. On Hwy 30 Germantown and Newberry are a good 7 miles apart. My legs were already aching. I kept walking however and I kept in good spirits. Finally after a few miles I finally saw Newberry road. I was so excited. If I would have had enough energy to jump I would have. I started down. I didn't know it at the time but Newberry is a 2 mile path of pain and torture. If anyone says that hiking up hill is bad they have obviously not gone downhill after already hiking for 15 miles. It was so painfull. My shins and knees ached and I could barely walk by the time I ascended the last hill and got on hwy 30. Now I was only a few hundred yards from the Sauvie Island bridge. It was a welcoming and familiar sight but I knew that I still had a few more miles to go on my already trembling legs. I kept walking and I'm sure my pace had slown tremendously. Storm Clouds were again closing in on my tired body. After passing the bridge and walking some more I hit the railroad tracks. I saw a bridge ahead of me and I was certain it was the bridge that lies only 50 yards from Casey's house. But it wasn't. It started to hail on me as I rounded the second corner and I saw yet another bridge. "This has to be it" I told myself. I was waddling by this point, completley soaked and cringing at every piece of hail that hit my head. I crossed the bridge and walked to the path down to Casey's house I saw Flossy and Puppy, his dogs, and his house and Penny and the stupid rabbit in the cage and I swear I was never so happy to see anything in my life. And that was the close of my great adventure. Later that day Casey and I retraced my path and figured out that I had trekked 21.9 miles. I did it in 6 hours and 58 minutes arrving at the Morrow residence at about 12 30pm.
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