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May 14, 2011 23:39

I just love how weak the Republican field for President is. Mitt Romney seems to be the only person who can remotely can close to 50% among a general electorate but there's no way he can get the nomination with the whole health care thing. Besides, he's so transparently phony that he doesn't stand a chance against the black guy who put a bullet in Bin Laden's brain.

Everyone says I shouldn't be too sure of Obama's re-election chances even considering the republican field to the economy and oil prices, to which I respond...uhhh look at the republican field. Gingrich is an oddity from the 90s like Hanson and Beavis and Butthead. Santorum's name is a laughing stock who can only run because he lost his senate re-election in '06 by 20 points. Donald Trump pinned his hopes to the birther issue which is well kaput. Tim Pawlenty is plainer than unbuttered toast.

It's just like...Republicans might have made more gains in 2010, but it was in the smaller races. Americans don't give a shit about sending crazies to the House of Reps, because they don't do anything. Republicans couldn't capture the Senate, though, like Christine O'Donnell or Linda McMahon or Sharron Angle. Voters were hesitant to make them as powerful as Senators. Why would they make Ron Paul or Michelle Bachman or Herman Cain or Rick Santorum or anyone else as PRESIDENT? It's just not gonna happen.

Especially now that Mike Huckabee, the only person crazy enough to appeal to conservatives but seemingly sane enough to be liked by the moderates, decided not to run.
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