PDFs of my fic! Oh yes, I'm still alive!

Jul 07, 2012 22:53

When ff.net had their most recent shitfit about fanfiction, I made pdfs of my fics just in case my account was deleted.

If you're interested in them, I think they are all here (except 'Muse' which I won't be including because of reasons), feel free to download to your heart's content. If you find something missing, please let me know.

Oh, and obviously, I'm still alive. I'm still struggling with my muse and mental health, although it seems the healthier my mental state is, the harder it is to find any inspiration. :(

Love to you all. I miss writing and I miss fandom. What's going on in your lives?

I'll leave you with a smutty treat because nothing says I love you like naked boys.

*adores you all*

i am alive!, pdfs, my flist is flawless, multi-fandom, my fic, porn is appropriate for any situation

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