dogsunderfoot and I are playing 'Guess the Drabble Writer' at ![](http://s.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png)
mp_ldws. Have a guess to see if you can guess who wrote which drabble?
2.Speaking of drabbles:
Moony and Padfoot's Porny Prompt Drabble Fest! Come and join in the fun!
marauderbigbang has finished posting. The fics I've read have been fabulous so far. This is mine:
'Perfect Strangers' - Summary: An anonymous encounter in a nightclub brings Sirius Black and Remus Lupin together in a tangle of sex, lies, and murder. The art is so gorgeous! Thank you to my artists. *hugs*
tw_bigbang and
rs_games are posting. My big bang fic will be posted on the 7th (so nervous) and the games fics are anonymous until the end of the month. I'm on Team AU, though, and the first entries for our team were amazing! I have recs from both:
rs_games Recs
'Flight' is gorgeous! The colouring is just lovely and the boys... oh, the boys!
'What Always Was' is an hilarious look at Sirius and Remus' disasterous attempts at dating. It's laugh-out-loud funny, sweet, and Lily is awesome! Check it out!
Loath as I am as co-Team Captain to promote the competition, the fic and art from Team Canon were amazing as well. This has been one hell of a start to the fest!
Torchwood Recs
I haven't read all the fics at
tw_bigbang yet, but I enjoy anything
erin_giles writes so I knew this would be good.
Fic and Art:
'That Monday Feeling' is set in
erin_giles's 'Footprints in the Sand' universe, although you don't need to have read it (although you should) to enjoy this. Ianto, as a rule, wasn’t accustomed to hating any particular day of the week. Granted, some days were worse than others, but this particular morning he had developed a newfound dislike for Mondays. Especially when this Monday didn’t seem to want to end.
Fic and Art:
'Promises'. Jack feels Ianto's loss keenly in the wake of the 456. A stranger offers him a simple favor in exchange for Ianto's life back but Jack soon learns that things that seem too good to be true usually are. Set around 15 months after COE, this is a brilliant read! I wasn't able to turn away until the end. It's nicely paced, beautifully characterised, and with an interesting and original premise for a fix it. A fav!
That's all, folks!
This entry was originally posted at
http://remuslives23.dreamwidth.org/130827.html. Please comment there using OpenID.