UKTV are having a Queen's Birthday 'Best of Doctor Who as voted by the fans' weekend!! So excited!!
*bribes children to keep away and locks herself in the bedroom*
Eleven minutes to go and counting!
Top Ten Episodes According To Australia
10. Human Nature/Family of Blood: I have found a villian I hate more than Cybermen. Those scarecrow soldiers scare the hell out of me! My sister used to watch Worzil Gumage (living scarecrow kids show) and I hated it. Evil scarecrows are terrifying me. I am loving kickarse Martha and hopeless Doctor, though. (He is cute when he's in love.) *sniffle* And now he's giving her up. So sad.
HAHA! "He didn't just make himself human, he made himself an idiot."
9. Aliens of London/ World War Three: Honestly a Time Lord with no concept of the passing of time... isn't that some kind of oxymoron? I remember how much I love Jackie Tyler now, though.
8. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit: Eh. Don't like these much myself. What else is on?
7. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead : Quite like these! And DONNA! *settles in with chips*
6. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances: WHOO HOO! Captain Jack!
5. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday: YAY! I thought this might be higher on the list actually. This is the ep that drew me into DW. The whole Cyberwoman ep of Torchwood made me want to find out what this 'Canary Wharf' stuff was all about so I hired these episodes then went right to BIGW to buy the whole series. Oh, GOD! Peggy from Eastenders!!
Ugh, I just heard Ten ask if 'Alonso' was working at TW London. God, is this something they're going to run with for TW4? If so, I'm really bowing out now. What the hell is all the fuss about him? Did I miss something?
4. The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords: More Captain Jack! Love these eps!
3 The Girl in the Fireplace: Seriously? Eh. It's alright, but top ten...?
2. The Stolen Earth/Journey's End: Now that's more like it! :) IANTO!! Oddly, inappropriately laughing Ianto, but Ianto all the same! And bye bye Donna. That's the biggest fucking tragedy in New Who. Donna having to go back to her old life.
1. Blink: Oh, yes! I approve of this! Love Blink! I find it ironic that the ep voted the favourite of Aussie DW fans, is the one with the least 'Doctor' in it. :)
That's all folks!