Hey everyone-
SO, everything here has been going pretty well. I'm on my way to Chicago right before spring break. It actually chipped a couple of days off of my originally planned vacation at home, and I'm flying on Easter to get home. My teacher got me a lesson with his teacher *splurts blood from nose* it's just SO amazing.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=NN78hKnDLXUThese are the guys...I'm going to have a lesson with the violist and the first violinist...perhaps meet the second violinist. Once, before they retired as a quartet, they came to the school and played the most incredible concert. *starry* It was phenomenal...they played the Mendelssohn Octet with my teachers and it was so intense! The kind of performance where you either stop breathing or you wanna take out a lighter and wave it over your head while screaming your lungs out.
The other day, I had to play for class. I told my teacher that I didn't really want to...we've been concentrating a lot on technique, and it's similar to taking apart a toy train...and right now my train is still not on the track. So...I get up there *mind you the only warm-up I had was shifting exercises in my violin tech class* and start playing a Bach fuga. Crazy man. It was crazy. I've played that piece multiple times, this semester alone. As soon as I touched my violin, I thought..."hey! This isn't my violin! Is this John's violin?? Did my teacher switch our violins??" It didn't sound like my violin and it felt TINY. By the time I woke out of that thought, I was past the second page and realized that way back on the first page, I missed a technical thing. Whoops. I get to the third page, play a minor chord instead of a major chord and it took me a little while to realize I had jumped tracks and taken a detour back to the second page. O.O I was so baffled. I suddenly stopped and looked up at everyone and said "I have NO clue where I am." David, the second violinist of the Arianna, tries to get me back on, saying to start at "the E-string, fourth finger, one two three..." It's nonsense. Who am I? What the bloody heck am I doing on this stage? Am I sleeping? What is this in my hand? I gather the remaining brains that have not completely shut down and think..."start somewhere on the third page." I find a spot and go to the end. By the time I sat down, I was completely gone. I felt it was all a dream. Not too bad. Oh well. My teacher was happy with my sound and it took me a little effort to stop myself from saying "what sound? did I just play something?"
Yes. I completely passed out while playing. That's the only explanation for it, right? Oh well. I have a lesson today anyway.
Anyway, KT wrote me the LONGEST email ever. I'm SO thrilled. She sent me some of her writing and just taking a small taste of it, it's INCREDIBLE! i can't wait to print it out and totally dive into it. She wrote something on a person that I know and I was almost bawling by the end of it. *sniffles* It's just sooooooo good. I'm so glad I invested in 90 cent stamps...now I can talk to her still.
I hope everyone else is doing well. Livejournal seems pretty quiet as of late. Everyone must be busy or something. Love you all!