Bwahahaha? :DDD

Jul 04, 2006 14:27

I... haven't been on in a while. D<

But enough of that.

Here I am, so you can all stop crying. [Who's crying?] Shut up!

I've been busy with other things... namely working on my neopets account, trying to make it better. I use it for roleplaying. D; Right now I'm applying for a cloud xweetok, which I'm hoping I'll get, 'cuz the girl said all the other apps were just neomails. I'd better win... D< Tristalinna needs a cloud partner so they can do that whole smoke-fire deal.

But today is the fourth of July!! No, I don't like it because it's omg patrioticfuckbritainiosanBNZBN, no... I like it because....

THE FOOD AND FIREWORKS! Yaaaay! [I feel like Goku right now. D;] We're gonna have a BBQ with LOTS of food [So hungry... waaahhh...] and then we'll light up the fireworks. [Hopefully at night] I hope it's not like last time, though. I didn't even watch! I just stayed up in Jen's room and listened to Saiyuki. Ah, that was when I was just starting to watch it. I REALLY liked Gojyo, of all people, and ended up roleplaying him with Brittany's Hakkai and Goku, and even Sanzo. @-@ We paired Gojyo and Goku, but then we stopped after a while.

I like Gojyo and Hakkai, come to think of it. [thoughtful look] They're cute. But then Sanzo's all "HEY." But then he's all over Goku! Wtf?! D;

But yes. I want to watch them this time. Whilst eating good food! =D [makes a fist] AUGH GOKU jkblj lb

Oh, the owner of the pet told me this: :DDDD

wow! it is REALLY good! just let me consult with some other owners of the adoption agency to make sure you can own golflia or Fli well anyway you have my vote! and of course i will check up on her every once and awhile. Thanks for your application!

But she called him a she. D:

Oh my.

I hope they don't think "zomg she couldn't even get the gender right"

Well, we'll see.

Hmm hmmm~ I want to buy the rest of Saiyuki....~~!! I want to so very badlyyyy.

I also want to watch more Wan Piecu. That's how I ALWAYS picture it when I say it thanks to that STUPID pronounciation guide. GRR. Waaan. But we're at the part where PELL IS ALL COOL AND STUFF. I freaking love Pell. He's even cooler than Chaka, but it'd be nice if Chaka lived too. D; Chaka.... I can't hate Crocodile though, since he's just so cool. That's what I hate about "bad guys".... They're just doing what they want. So it can't be bad, right? It's seen as bad by the heroes, though, but if you look at it from the bad guy's point of view, they're pretty bad too. I mean, I can't hate them. I'd have to hate the heroes too. D< Besides, Crocodile's really hot with his LEGS. Oh my GOD I love those legs. I just have a leg fetish... Nice long, slender legs.... :D Ayum.

Shanks, however. D;

His legs are HAIRY and EXPOSED. He should be wearing longer pants, with all that HAIR. I guess Zoro shaves or something. But BEN has nice hair, until... It's CUT OFF. But it still looks hawt.



Has legs nicer than Kaku's.

Supa hawt. His legs.... they're so.... and his BODY. I like how his body and legs are long. Yeah, legs don't make a man, but they sure do help. I mean, let's face it.

Kaku's got round eyes, long eyelashes, and a long, rectangle nose.

Which I find to be attractive features on only him. But anyway.

So he's not a bish. But he's still hot with his LEEEGSSS.... and other things, of course. There's a lot of things in One Piece that makes fugly people hawt. Like Buggy. I mean, come on. Buggy is a CLOWN with a [big red nose >_>]... But he's still super hot.

Anyway, enough rambling. I'm listening to Grandma scream at something.. "God damnit! klsv"

And roleplaying with Brittany. >.> Yay FaiKuro fluff. Or something like that. Pfft, Grandma's MAD.... >D Heheheh... I'm waiting for my app response, too. Ohhh how I LONG to RP Saiyuki. [hinthint] Brittany and I should rp more. D: Even if I suck, it's still lots of fun for me. I don't get the privilege of rping with super awesome people who somehow manage to frighten and amaze me at the same time with their skills.

In fact.

She's the only one besides Jen who I actually consider a God. >_> Most people I rp with are all "Yu're so good loloz obmbcpozx" And I'm all "Sure yeah." I mean, when Rping with say, Hetaher, I tend to just sort of 'stop' or be all "and then Neji EXPLODED" Yes, I do that. All the time, because I get bored. And if I force myself to RP when I'm bored, things get pretty bad and I get angry. But I never really Rped with JEN, so... I really liked when we played TRUTH OR DARE One Piece or Saiyuki STYLE DDD: Even if I sucked. Ohhh man, I sucked baaad. I was all "Loloz I suuuuck! :D I'm ZORO ekonko

But JEN stole Zoro away from me for SO LONG. I didn't get him back until she decided she didn't like anime anymore. [wtf JEN] Then I was all awkward because she'd been rping him with Hinacha [Brittany] for a LONG time. Took a LONG time for me to get back in my groove. Not that I was IN my groove before that. No, you're never TRULY Zoro until you either get him on every personality quiz you take or RP him with Hinacha's SANJI/Vivi/everyone else. It's really quite impossible to RP someone well unless you've actually done it with the others.

Well, Michelle and Matt are here, so I'll get off. Ciao! :D
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