Lupin-sensei is being whiny

Aug 01, 2007 17:30

Just something I thought you might find amusing.

When HBP came out,
mike_smith decided to do a review of the book. The thing was: he'd never ever read a Harry Potter book in his life and he wasn't (and isn't) really a fan of it, least of all of Harry himself, so the reviews ended up being very snarky and sometimes rather random too (he put random comic and anime characters in the reviews to keep himself entertained). The HBP review can be found here. In the past two years, he's also reviewed PoA and PS/SS (not yet archived but in the memories of his lj I think). Right now he's reviewing TDH and he's just reached the 11th chapter - the one in which Remus angsts about Tonks being pregnant.

Just a random quote: "Seriously, what the hell IS this? Voldemort rules England and we're having a Lifetime Moment with R. J. Emopants here? F*ck this douche. I've given Lupin props in the past for being one of the few characters in this series with a lick of common sense, and here he is crying about something that hasn't even happened yet. If he's that worried about having a child, why didn't he think of that before he went to the altar?"

Etc and more like that. Read it here. For more, click the tags. :)
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