eclecticmuses January prompt: Spy

Jan 31, 2008 22:46

spy || 150 words || k

"What can you see, Moony?"

"Shh," Remus scolded, looking down at Sirius and giving him a sharp poke in the neck with a toe. "Nothing yet. And nothing ever if you get us caught."

"I still don't see why you get to be the spy and I have to be the stepladder," Sirius complained. He rubbed at his neck, making Remus wobble a little. "You're bigger than I am. You should be the ladder."

"Be careful! Don't make me fall. Then we'll definitely be caught," he hissed. "And I'm taller than you but I still weigh less, that's why you're on the bottom. It's not my fault you're fat."

"I'm not fat! You're just scrawny!"

"Fat! You eat more pudding than the other three of us put together. And shhhhh! Here come Prongs and Lily. They're going to hear you if you don't stop whinging."

"But I'm not fat!"


*eclecticmuses, ~james potter, ~lily evans (potter), ~sirius black, !fic-style answers

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