licenseartistic December prompt: February Quote

Dec 28, 2007 13:59

hatred || 120 words || k+

"The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present." - Barbara De Angelis

There were no outward signs of it. Nobody, not even those who knew him best, would ever even begin to guess at the intense anger, the bitter hatred, the bubbling rage that lurked silently, just beneath that calm, quiet, reassuring exterior. There wasn't a single soul who "knew" him, who he supposedly loved and trusted, who would think him capable of many of his hidden thoughts and desires.

It was only those who hated him, made assumptions, jumped to conclusions and despised him on principal instead of for personal reasons... These were the only people who wouldn't be surprised by his secret darkness. He hated them for judging without knowing him. But he hated them even more for being right.

*licenseartistic, !fic-style answers

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