Jul 16, 2005 20:14

I've read it. I've read it and I've loved it and all I can say is:

maybefriday, you were RIGHT in your suspicions!!!!!

Okay, so I'm going to read it again. Why? BECAUSE OF THE LOVE, OF COURSE!! I think this is the first day all summer I've been online for all of 10 minutes.

(Btw, If you didn't love it, TELL ME WHY OMG!!)

So, now I'm going to discuss 'Ship development and Character development.


-Okay, firstly, that book was so NOT Remus/Tonks. If you ask me, it was very much Tonks-with-a-crush wants Remus-in-mourning-over-dead-lover. The man was not interested!! The wolf was not interested!! And I refuse to believe otherwise.

-Secondly, let me laugh heartily at the whole Ron/Lavender/Hermione love triangle. I enjoyed it! Yes, the Ron/Hermione should have BLOODY STARTED SOONER (400 pages? Bit much dilly-dallying for my tastes. They're GRYFFINDOR, for fucky's sake.) but to be honest, it made for amusing reading.

-Thirdly, Harry/Ginny. OMG. Harry/GINNY! *spits* But I'm coping well actually. Why you may ask?? WHY?

Let me continue in this vein. The book stressed several times (or maybe once, but whatever) the danger of obsessive love. Now, I ask ye, WHO WAS HARRY OBSESSING OVER? Fucking Draco Malfoy, that's who- He couldn't even keep his mind on quidditch! SUCH GLEE!! Also: JK returned to Madam Malkin's. SHE KNOWS WHAT THAT MEANS TO US :)

-Fourthly, Dumbledore/Harry. He broke his apparition virginiteeee!

-FIFTHLY, BELLA/NARCISSA! YEAH, I read chapter 2. Did you?

-SNAPE/THE WORLD. I can't be coherent enough about this. Or Snape. Just... he is quickly becoming one of- if not definitely- my favourite characters. Snucius is so canon, man.

-Draco/Moaning Myrtle- Necro! Kinky :)


Draco-- Dear lord, what can I say? He's gotten in too deep. He's not up for the killing. The Dark Lord is weakening his trust by threatening him. DUDE, IN THE FINAL BATTLE, HE'S ON THE SIDE OF THE LIGHT. That's my prediction. Also- I kinda love him now, with his crying to Myrtle, and his worrying and angsting, and DID YOU SEE HE AND NARCISSA GO TAG TEAM ON THE TRIO'S ARSE, IN MADAM MALKINS? You go, blondies!

Narcissa-- I love her. I love her love for Draco. I love her not being too keen on the Dark Lord's "Law". She's rebellious. She's got character. She's femme-slashing with Bellatrix...

Harry-- GOOD! MUCH LESS CAPS LOCK, MUCH MORE SMART. Though get the fuck off Ginny and recognise the Malfoy lust within, already.

Tonks-- *Stab*

Remus-- *Not keen on the above*

Fleur-- I love her, too. Especially what she said about Bill. It made me cry. TRUE LOVE! Take it, Molly :)

Dumblydorr- No longer shall the eyes twinkle, but God, they shone brightly this one last time. I HEART him in this book, so I do.

Now, with that out of the way, I AM OFF TO READ IT AGAIN!!

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