- Last night we had an impromptu movie night in which watched Wicker Man as the main attraction and later followed it with The Karate Kid (2010). Let me just say it right now that Wicker Man, is, like, the worst movie ever, LOLOLOL. If I didn't go in anticipating a bad movie, I would be so so disappointed. The only saving grace for that movie was the company and the ridiculous commentary that went with it. XP
- I totally followed up an unproductive night with ignoring my Revit model in lieu of watching the Born This Way episode of Glee. (I feel only a little bit guilty, really.) Like all episodes of Glee, there were moments I liked and moments where I just wanted to yell at the screen. But seriously, the songs in this episode were all awesome. (Except Born This Way, but I don't like that song and I'm so over Gaga, please stop.) Also, Mike and Tina, OMG HOW ADORABLE. I'm totally sad about the Warblers being gone though. ;_; I'm too lazy to really go into all my thoughts, so that's all you'll get.
- I just listened to the songs for the next Glee episode and OMG SANTANAAAA! If she sings this to Brittany in the episode, I think I will totally start sobbing, LOLOL. ♥
I have to go to class now. x_x