Stressed person is stressed!

Jan 12, 2011 15:46

Like, four people asked me today why I was dressed up. Seriously, I'm not really that dressed up, but I suppose it's a little dressier than what I normally wear... But thanks for making me feel like I dress like a slob most of the time! (And fine, it's kind of because I need to do laundry, but seriously, I can't wear slightly more dressy clothes I have in my closet for no reason other than I feel like it?)

So I spent almost half an hour talking to my professor about my thesis project and at the end of that discussion, I pretty much got a giant list of things that I need to have for this Friday. (So much more than I was planning to have by Friday!) And being the super sane person that I am, instead of actually getting back to work, I am typing this because I am stressed out. (Seriously, half the time I semi-plan out what I need to do, I sit around stressing about it and getting nothing done, which just makes me stress more because I'm wasting time. I am ridiculous, it's true.)

Anyway, a quick rundown of what I need to do:
  • Finalize runway and taxiway patterns
  • Figure out the phasing for the project
  • Make five alternatives for the airport design that addresses my objectives
    (parking, public transportation, runways, phasing, projected footprints)
  • Make a matrix chart comparing alternatives to objectives
  • Fix up teaser from last week

Kill me now, seriously. ;_; The only upside, I suppose, is that my professor said that I'll be about halfway done with my thesis project once I finish that stuff! That makes life sound so much better when you phrase it that way, but really, half my project is just setting up everything before I actually get to the part where I design my terminal buildings, so it's more false hope than anything else, lol. (At least I won't have to go into as much building detail as some of the other people doing smaller scale projects.)

But yeah, I kind of have a super laid back schedule (time-wise), but a super busy quarter if I want to stay on top of things. I mean, I have the Hines Competition for two weeks starting next week, a group project for EDES class, then my goal for my project is to finish about 90% this quarter so that next quarter I can just work on all the presentation stuff and have a more laid back spring (and last) quarter.

I really need to get back to work now. *sigh*

rl: architecture, rl: college

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