this is a project in memory of amy
babe_o_gus. if you are interested in contributing, read on, if you are not interested, you can skip over this post.
i have been thinking about this for a few days now. i need a way to process my grief. to somehow honor amy's amazing life. she has touched so many of us in so many ways... i came up with this idea.
i want to put together a sort of memoir of her life. i want to include letters, pictures, poems, artwork, stories of how amy affected your life... what she meant to you... i want to get everyone's contributions and put them all together in one big book. a scrapbook sort of a thing. but in amy's honor. i think it would be very healing for us to write about it, grieve about it, and put it in one place in her memory and honor.
so, if you would like to contribute something to this project, please email me at pretty4pinkbows at yahoo dot com. i will send you my snail mail address and you can send me whatever you whatever you would like to be included. some ideas would be personal stories of your friendship with her, opportunities you had to meet her in person, pictures you have of her, poems you want to write to/about her, song lyrics, artwork, basically anything at all.
i will organize the materials and will put it in a scrapbook. i can scan the pages as i am working on it so you can see what it is becoming. i want to honor amy. i think this is one way that i can do that.
so please, if you would like to participate, email me at pretty4pinkbows at yahoo dot com. i will send you my address, and you can send the things to me. i dont want to list my address for safety reasons...
amy touched many of our lives, and i know that many of us were able to touch hers as well. i hope that this will help people process and grieve one of our fallen angels.
please feel free to cross post this and share it with others who knew amy.