It's wonderful to be able to get online again. Because I forgot in the last post, here's a dose of Dave's brilliant wit:
Pseudo-LJ-chain-letter thing
If you reply to this entry with your name, then I'll respond with:
1. Something random that I know about you.
2. What song/movie reminds me of you.
3. What I think you will be doing in 5 years.
4. Something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. My first memory of you.
6. What animal you remind me of.
7. Something that I've always wondered about you.
So I replied! and here are my answers:
1. Tiffany is practicly on a first name basis with the voice actor of Roy Mustang from Full Metal Alchimist AND Dirk Benidict (AKA 'Face' from The A-Team and 'Starbuck' from the 1980's Battlestar Galactica).
2. Princess Monanoki... *rattling sound*
3. Tiffany will be a REAL CSI... meaning that she will NOT have a gun, question suspects, wear designer clothes to the lab or have a semingly inexaustible budget to buy equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to use only once a season... she however, still be cooler than sliced bread.
4. She's Not Greek! She's clearly Norwegain! I'm not listening to this slander anymore! La La La La La La La La La!
5. I think that we went to middle school together, but the first memory that I have of you is meeting you in the lunchroom at Northern before school one day... the very same day that Chris and I decided that we needed to take control of "The Clan"... it was for their own good. (FYI, The Clan was sucsessfully infiltrated in the winter of 1996, and then promptly disbanded by Class President White in order to prevent obcene amounts of inbreading amongst band members... it didn't work)
6. A Lion that somehow is able to make excellent coffie without opposible thumbs... Rar!
7. What's it like to live with J AND Brad at the same time?
Heee! XD