I was hit on by Chakotay!

May 14, 2005 18:17

My brother and I just got back from the Motor City Comic Con, where dorks from all over congregate together to express their love for all things sci-fi and um, comic-y. I had to go today, because this was the day that Dirk and Dwight did their panel, dorkily called "I love it when a panel comes together." I of course, found this wonderfully witty. ^_^

I sat in the A-Team van! In Face's seat! Okay, so it's not the original van, but it looks just like it so I was all excited.

So anyways, I got autographs from both Dwight and Dirk. Dirk was like the only guest who had a continous line, and I think it had to with the fact that not only is he Dirk Benedict and who wouldn't want an autograph, and also that he spends at least 5 minutes with each person. He is such a great, down to earth, funny guy. I love him so much. I brought with me my copy of his first book(the fact that I owned it,I think impressed him) and he signed that and a photo of Face that I bought. He signed the book for free rather than charge me the twenty dollar fee! I <3 him so! Plus he seemed impressed that I had a chemistry degree. "I have a chemist for a fan?! Usually my fans aren't so educated...." When he also told me they could have used a forensic chemist on the A-Team, my fangirl heart just about died!

Dwight was also awesome, but I didn't really talk to him that much. I did ask about Murdock's leather jacket and apparently Dwight had donated it to the Special Forces musuem outside Fort Bragg. I thought that was pretty cool, though I personally would have kept it. ^_^

Their panel was full of fun, you can really tell these two are close friends still, they joked around so much. They basically just told some stories from their work on the A-Team, and some stories about Mr. T and George Peppard. Like how George always insisted on having a larger gun than Dirk, and so one day Dirk got a larger caliber gun from props and George couldn't do the scene. The two of them are also writing a book about the A-Team, so I of course I can't wait to see if that actually gets published.

After the panel, Chris and I went to get Marina Sirtis' autograph, and I needed to get Robert Beltran's. So I get up there and say some inane thing, then we need to have our photograph taken. So he jumps up on the table (he was in the middle of a long row of tables and couldn't go around) and I get part way on the table and he hugs me and Chris takes the picture. But while we were waiting for the picture to be taken Robert asks me if 'he' (chris) will be jealous. I'm all "He's my brother, I sure hope not." Then he laughs and the picture is taken. Afterwards, "I noticed you walking back and forth..." AND "You're very pretty..." ZOMG, I was hit on by CHAKOTAY!!! I just about died.

After that I bought some Homestarrunner patches, but nothing could compete with being called pretty by by Robert Beltran, so Chris and I left. All in all, it was an awesome day and i dropped about $100. But it was worth every penny!
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