P.S. The webinar went reasonably well.
Here is the recording. The echo that you see in the recording was only on the recording part, the viewers didn't hear the echo. (I checked). Next time I will make sure it records without the echo.
The original invitation (from the past)
Join me for a free online webinar on Sat, 2 pm New York time (
click for your time zone)
We will discuss the usual topics: extraterrestrials, channeled messages, ascension, 2012, Earth changes, hybrids, contacts and abductions.
To watch and listen via a computer, click here
to join the webinar and to text (the web only option allows you to see and hear me, to text the questions but not to hear others and not to ask questions in voice).
To chat with all participants via a conference call - call +1 (218) 339-2409 ext. 1059865#
To chat with all by Skype, contact me via Skype in advance: my Skype ID is “maxsteinberg8″.
Best option is to join by web and phone or by web and Skype - you will be able to see, to speak and to hear everybody. If you do so, please make sure to turn off your computer speakers, to prevent echo.
Please pre-
register for the webinar here. The pre-registration is not required to participate, but it will help me to plan better. You may use a fictional name if you like.