How To #2

Jul 02, 2005 18:26

This week's How To is entitled "How To Name Your Indie Rock Band or LP".

You will need:

-a crossword puzzle
-a writing impliment
-a friend (optional)

1. Complete the crossword puzzle.
2. Ask your friend to give you a number between 1 and 99. Or just pick one if you have no friends.
3. Find the solution to said number.
4. Reverse the digits of the original number. (3 becomes 30 and vice-versa)
5. Find the solution to the new number.
6. Put both solutions together in an amusing way. Insert "the" or squish them together.

Here are some lively examples of this method from the one I completed yesterday:

East of Kevin Spacey
Asia Ike
The Deli Aura
Dys Dial
Abandoner Cosmo
Roam Soda
Easy Lemmon
Kyle as a Rule
Mrs. Syr
The Malta Leos
Ein Peruse
The Onor Ogres
Balboa Ride
The Tripe Union
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