Title: Dragon's Keeper #6 Idle Hands are the Devil's Tool
Author: remorsful_rain
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: ~1200
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Betas: Lady Kiren and samtheburrito. You guys are awsome!!
Summary: Bones was bored. He didn’t do bored well.
Bones stayed in the captain’s quarters for another day or so. It wasn’t that he was afraid of people seeing him, because they were exploring new planets and who knew what the hell was out there so he was used to it. No, it was more along the lines that everyone was at least four to five feet taller than him. It was disconcerting. He could easily be squashed, or stepped on, or kicked, or something else as equally painful.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t much for a little dragon to do in Jim’s room. Bones had tried to read, and he nearly knocked himself out trying to get a book off the shelf. He’d become proficient at typing on a PADD, but since he currently wasn’t the CMO there wasn’t anything for him to type out. Then there was the whole fact a PADD was too heavy for him to carry anywhere. So he’d been forced to type out something then coerce Jim to walk over and read it. Jim would just pretend not to be able to, even though everything was spelled correctly, and then Bones would bite whatever he could that was within reach. This had led to Jim spouting off Bones must have a biting fetish and the dragon biting him soundly on the nose and ignoring the captain all day. Unfortunately, Jim seemed more amused by this than sorry.
On top of that, no one could understand his chirping so he couldn’t comm anyone. Sending a vid message was out of the question, and typing one, though he could, made his arms ache with the strain.
Bones was bored. He didn’t do bored well.
He’d been attacking one of Jim’s black undershirts, when it had been suddenly jerked off the ground. Before he knew it, he was tumbling out the neck hole and hoping the ground was soft. Instead an arm reached out and Bones was cradled against Jim’s warm chest. He looked up to see laughing blue eyes, and the grin Jim was trying to hide. Like Bones could help the fact he’d been playing with a shirt. He was bored and there wasn’t anything else he could do!
He hissed and tried to squirm away.
“Stop that,” Jim admonished, wincing a little as claws scraped against his skin.
Bones stilled. It could be worse, at least the chest was warm. Jim shifted so the little lizard’s hind feet actually had arm to hold onto. Bones squirmed around so he was comfortable resting in the crook of his friends arm. He moved his head so it was against a shoulder and he could see Jim’s face and chest. Jim really did have a nice chest.
“What?” Jim squirmed under the scrutiny. He hated being stared at; yes, he liked attention but just being looked at with no one else staring at him made him uncomfortable.
Bones just stared; this was better than lying around all day. Jim was even staring to flush a little and duck his head.
“Stop it!” he snapped, shifting from foot to foot.
“You know I can’t put my shirt on with you climbing all over me,” he quietly added.
Bones chirped in acknowledgement, but didn’t move. It really was a nice view. Wait, where had that come from? He stiffened for a moment before he shot out of Jim’s half embrace and landed on the bed.
Jim pulled the undershirt on and turned to grin at him. At least the captain had been wearing pants. After the whole shower incident, they were both probably scared for life. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen Jim naked before, hello CMO of the man who had a death wish, but rather it was the details of the incident. It wasn’t something he really wanted to think about, so Bones attempted to bury his head under the sheets.
“Aw Bones that’s cute. You know you’re really acting like a cuddly kitten today.”
Bones freed his head to see his friend grinning at him. He sent him a glare and a growl. Jim just turned away and started pulling on his boots. Well if Jim thought he was a cat, he could act like one. He got up and crawled onto Jim’s lap and flopped down.
“Uh Bones? You’re in my way I can’t bend over when you’re like that.”
He didn’t move.
He closed his eyes and stretched out a little further.
“Bones?” Now it was more of a whine.
The little dragon grinned.
“Bones c’mon.”
Fingers were trying to lift him away, but he just dug his claws in and refused to be moved.
“All right I’m sorry about the kitten comment. You’re a small, little dragon with a pissy attitude.”
Bones dug his claws in a little more and growled.
“Okay so you’re a big bad dragon that enjoys manipulating people. Now will you get off my lap so I can get ready?”
Bones obliged, if a bit slowly. He rolled off to the side and laid down, his eyes half closed and belly up. He watched Jim finish getting ready.
“You still have a pissy attitude,” Jim said once he was well out off any sort of tail, tooth or claw range.
Bones lifted his head and hissed.
“See?” Jim pointed out, pulling on his gold command shirt.
Bones just rolled his eyes. Jim did look good in gold.
He laid back and listened to the sounds of running water, damn captain’s quarters. He was the CMO and he still didn’t get running water. He heard Jim come up next to him, and suddenly felt a hand running up along his stomach.
Now he’d let Jim occasionally scratch the back of his head or rub the itchy spot between his shoulders, but he hadn’t let him touch his under side. Instinctively he brought up his hind legs and kicked at the offending hand while his front paws grabbed a hold of it and he bit the finger tips. Jim just kept tickling his stomach and dammit he wasn’t supposed to be this easy. The tummy rub felt good, but he did have an attitude to defend. Bones finally started growling and Jim backed off.
“If that wasn’t a classic example of what a cat does, I don’t know what is.”
Bones just huffed and rolled over so he could stand up.
“Well, little buddy, it’s time for my shift. I’ll be late if I don’t hurry. Try not to tear anything up while I’m gone okay?”
How dare he insinuate that the doctor had bad behavior! Wait! Jim was leaving; Bones didn’t want to stay in the room all day. He was going crazy in here, but going with the captain meant he would have to face the crew. Bored, crew. Crew, bored.
Bones let out a screech that stopped Jim in his tracks. He turned around and Bones jumped in the air and zoomed onto his shoulder. The dragon had discovered gliding three days ago and had mastered it yesterday. Flying was next on the menu, once he got over his fear of flying and dying and all that jazz.
Jim looked surprised but pleased, if his smile was anything to go by.
“Well, well it looks like the little monster wants to go outside and play,” Jim quipped as he stepped out of his quarters.
He got a hiss and a tail whack for his trouble.
#5 ___
#7 Okay so I'm not sure how often I'll be updating for the next three weeks or so. Due to my classes and the fact my betas have classes to study for things might be a little slower. Oh and there's the whole controbution to reel_stratrek that I need to finish. -Sigh- I'm gonna be busy! I'll try to update ASAP though!