Title: Dragon's Keeper #5 Not Your Type
Author: remorsful_rain
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: ~1000
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Betas: Lady Kiren and samtheburrito. You guys are awsome!!
Summary: Once he realized there was something that wasn’t normally on his face on his face, he might have possibly freaked a little...
Well this one’s shorter than I’d like only about 900 words, but I still kinda like it. This chapter is a little more on the serious side, and plus Jim should feel a little guilty. Oh and I’m not sure whose quarters are on what deck so I used my creative license.
Jim hummed to himself as he rode the turbo lift to deck six. It had been four hours since he’d left Bones in his room to start his shift and he wanted to check up on the little guy.
The night before had been interesting. Dr. Northrope was right in the fact that the little dragon could and apparently would eat anything. Then there’d been the whole waking up with the tail in his mouth and wing over his face, after all he was pretty sure that Bones had chosen a small pile of Jim’s clothes to curl up and go to sleep in.
Jim absent mindedly rubbed the three long scratches that ran along his collarbone. Once he realized there was something that wasn’t normally on his face on his face, he might have possibly freaked a little and sat up dislodging the little dragon. Bones startled awake had dug in his claws so he wouldn’t fall, resulting in three shallow but bleeding scratches. The good doctor had looked unrepentant, and then proceeded to warble angrily at Jim. Like the whole thing had been his fault, as if.
As soon as he stepped into the room he heard the angry hisses and growls. Not a good sign.
“Bones?” Jim cautiously stepped further into his quarters.
Bones sat perched on the back of the only chair in the room; his tale wrapped around one of the arms and wings extended for balance. Jim slowly edged closer, noticing that something was lying on the desk and the dragon was clawing at it.
“Uh, Bones, what are you doing?”
Bones froze then whipped his head around hissing angrily and glaring at the captain. After a moment, he turned back to what Jim could now see was a PADD and began flailing his front legs and gesturing angrily at the key pad.
Jim leaned over the chair to see the screen.
“Um, Bones, I can’t read any of that.”
The comment just seemed to piss Bones off more, since he began to hiss louder and actually growl before he stopped suddenly and just let his head and neck hang limp.
“Bones?” Jim asked worriedly.
His friend looked strung out and that wasn’t a look he saw on the doctor’s face often, dragon or otherwise. Bones tilted his head and Jim could see the weariness, frustration and worry and his hazel eyes.
“Aw, Bones.”
Jim swung the chair out and sat sideways so he could see the bronze dragon. He was tempted to reach out and scratch Bones head, but thought better of it.
“I’m sorry, this is my fault. If I hadn’t leaned against that stone, you wouldn’t be like this.”
Bones gave him a look that was easily interpreted as ‘Damn straight!”
“Spock found out some more information. Apparently some ancient civilization years ago managed to develop interstellar travel and began trading with adjacent planets. Eventually things fell into anarchy and the civilizations were wiped out by each other. Unfortunately not much is left, documentation wise. I have no clue how long you’re going to be stuck like this. Spock thinks it is reversible but right now we don’t have a clue how.”
Bones didn’t seem too affected by the information as if he’d been expecting it, though his eyes looked a little sad.
“I’m sorry, buddy,” Jim sighed. It really was his fault. He was supposed to be protecting people and look what happened. He turned his best friend into a pint sized lizard. On top of that, he had no clue what to do about it. There wasn’t some switch he could flick and change him back. Then this morning he’d gotten orders to go play babysitter to the Telurian ambassador and his ship, which meant they would have to leave this system and any chance to find a reversal. Right.
“Also we have a side trip to make, the Telurian ambassador needs an escort and we happen to be the only federation ship in the area. So we’re going to have to leave.”
Jim sighed again, when one thing went wrong, ten other things usually followed. A sharp nip on the fleshy part of his upper arm caused him to jump and look into Bones’ crackling hazel eyes.
“What?” he snapped rubbing the stinging skin.
Bones just sat there giving him his patented ‘Get your head out of your ass and start thinking’ look.
“I know. It’s just that things seem to be going wrong.” Jim sighed. Bones was right, like he usually tended to be, there wasn’t much he could do at the moment so he might as well get his head out of his ass.
“You know I think I may have an idea for helping you type,” Jim said gesturing at the PADD.
Bones looked less than assured but made a ‘get on with it’ motion with his head.
“Well your claws seem to slip off of it so, why not try to use your knuckles?”
Bones sat thinking before turning back to the PADD and tried exactly what Jim had suggested. While he was able to type words, his speed and accuracy was still off.
“You know I have awhile before I need to get back. I could help you some and then we could eat.” At Bones’ glower, he quickly corrected himself.
“Or I could watch you type then we can eat.”
Bones chirped his agreement and that was that.
Part six is being written right now, though I start my first semester of college Monday so I don’t know how much time I’ll have to write. I don’t think it’s going to be too bad though, I was stupid enough to sign up for morning classes so I have afternoons free.
A big thank you goes out to
kilala10 for the title art!! You rock!!! If you haven’t seen it here’s the
#4 ___