Title: Dragon's Keeper #4 Trip and Fall
Author: remorsful_rain
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: ~1000
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Betas: Lady Kiren and samtheburrito
Summary: Bones choose that moment to squirm around… the wrong way.
The trip to the captain’s quarters was short, and due to the odd hour the hallways were thankfully clear. Bones stayed perched on his shoulder, eyeing their surroundings as if puzzled by his new perspective.
The whole Bones being a dragon thing was certainly odd, and just a bit creepy. Though Bones did look adorable, but Jim didn’t dare say that out loud, two bite marks on his ear were enough. Bones was about the size of a large bird of prey, maybe a little smaller, so he could perch quite comfortably on his captain’s shoulders. Jim doubted he’d be able to stay on Uhura’s shoulders for too long since they were too narrow probably, like most women. That meant Bones was going to be spending a lot of time on his shoulder. Not that he really minded, having Bones there kinda made him feel like a pirate, a really cool captianly pirate.
Bones gave a questioning chirp when he noticed Jim’s gaze.
“You know I have to say this is one of the weirder things that has happened, the group orgy aside of course,” Jim told him. He received a warbled agreement, just as a security officer came around the corner
Acting quickly Jim jerked Bones off of his shoulder and shoved him behind his back. He smiled and nodded at the passing ensign, and got an odd look and a hiss for all his trouble. Then Bones, deciding the hiss wasn’t enough, promptly bit a finger.
Jim yelped and held Bones so they were eye level.
“You’re lucky that guy’s gone. He could’ve seen you if you’d pulled that stunt any earlier,” he scolded the reptile.
Bones didn’t reply, his steady hazel eyes spitting sparks of indignation. Without warning, he promptly extended his neck and bit the tip of Jim’s nose, this time drawing a little blood.
“Damn it, Bones!” Jim snapped, nearly dropping his friend, who just dug in his talons, a little harder than necessary, and held on.
“Ow. I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not hurt them,” Jim griped gingerly inspecting the damage. Bones just clawed his way back up to his previous perch with a huff.
“Okay I get it. I’m sorry, but I didn’t exactly have time to warn you.” Bones huffed again and seemed to ignore the apology.
“Okay I won’t do that again, just stop with the biting. That really smarts,” Jim appeased. He had a bad feeling he’d be walking away from this whole experience with plenty of scratch and bite marks.
Bones just continued to sit stiffly.
“Fine,” Jim muttered continuing down the hall.
Unfortunately for Jim, there just so happened to be one more ensign that felt the need to roam the hall near the captain’s quarters. Fortunately for Bones, it was a perfect opportunity to exact a little more revenge.
As soon as the little dragon heard the heavy footsteps, which was long before Jim did, he took matters into his own claws by scrambling underneath the material covering Jim’s shoulder and sliding down the smooth skin of the captain’s back. He settled against the small of Jim’s back clinging to the undershirt as Jim jumped around.
“Damn it Bones! What the hell are you doing?” Jim snapped, though it sounded more like a shriek.
Despite his best efforts, Bones was firmly lodged and wouldn’t budge. Just about when he’d decided to take off his shirts and forcibly remove the reptile, a young engineering ensign came into view.
Jim froze with a muttered “Shit.”
Bones grinned a little evilly at that.
Jim promptly dropped his shirts back into place, and gave the ensign one of his patented smiles.
“Are you alright, sir?” She asked, pausing.
“I’m fine, Laurie. Is there something you needed?”
“Yes actually. Mr. Scott wanted me to give you these requisition forms,” She said, handing him a PADD
“Oh, thanks,” Jim replied, trying not to twitch or giggle when a claw scraped over a patch of ticklish skin. Laurie noticed his odd expression.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Totally,” Jim assured her, twitching a little as Bones found The Spot again.
The ensign nodded and after giving small salute, she walked off. Bones choose that moment to squirm around… the wrong way.
“Gah! Bones get out of there!” Jim yelled, hopping on one foot and trying to pull Bones out from where he didn’t belong. He ended up tripping over his own feet and landed face first on the floor.
“Ouch,” he moaned, glad no one was around to see it.
Bones crawled out of all the layers of clothing and Jim could feel the dragon climb his way up his back. He kept his eyes firmly shut until he heard a questioning warble from above him. He opened his eyes to see an upside down dragon face. Jim just sighed and closed his eyes again.
Bones jumped off of his back and settled on the floor in front of him, talons clicking on the cool metal surface. He slowly extended his neck and gently prodded Jim’s forehead with his snout, afraid that he’d hurt him.
“M’fine Bones,” Jim mumbled opening his eyes. Grinning he added, “So did you find anything that you liked?”
Bones just rolled his eyes and thwapped his friend on the head with his tail.
“Ow. Haven’t you beaten me up enough today?”
Bones ignored the whining and tugged at Jim’s shirt telling him to stand up. The captain complied, though he was sure most of the whistles and hisses weren’t flattering compliments. Jim got ready to key in his security code but Bones situated himself on his chest, holding on with his rather sharp claws. A few moments went by with the doctor just studying his face.
“Uh Bones? Are you going to be done anytime soon? People could walk by and as nice as it would be for you to have another freak out and get in my pants, I’d prefer it if we were actually in my room.”
Bones snorted and gave him a half-hearted glare before complying and settling once more on his shoulder.
“Thank you.”
The door hissed shut behind them, leaving Jim to heave a sigh as he tried to figure out just how this was going to work.
So there you go part four. Five should be up soon!
#3 ___