Beginning of Absolution

Aug 09, 2011 23:24

[The screen flickers to life, at first displaying only static. It takes about thirty seconds before a picture finally starts to come into focus, albeit gradually. As the display becomes as sharp as it can be, a black dragon, female, can be seen lying upon the ground, her emerald eyes opened just slightly. A faint, pained moan slips from between her lips as her consciousness slowly returns. She staggers to her feet, her legs trembling as her eyes adjust to the light. The communicator tilts upward, filming her all throughout as she stands.]

Where... where am I? What is this place?

[Her eyes fall upon the communicator. A brow raises itself in intrigue.]

Ancestors... what could this thing be?

[She looks up at the sky, a sigh escaping her.]

Great... I'm nowhere that I recognize. Which likely means that there's no one I know around here either. Could this possibly get any worse?

where am i, bemused, first post

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