Mar 24, 2005 13:57
ok my family is driving me insane
yesterday, i went to the mall with john and alina. we hung out for a while. the mall was really empty lol so we just aimlessly walked aorund for a couple of hours like we usually do. then we went to the pet shop and got to play with a cairn terrier. OMG he was sooo cute. if we didnt leave soon i would have started to cry or something lol.
we went to the arcade and alina played the dance dance revolution. it was one of the most entertaining things to watch wow it was pretty funny. then alinas mom was on her way to pick us up and bring john back to my house so when my dad got home from the bowling alley he could drive john home. i called my mom to ask her if dad could drive john home and she said that he could sleepover lol i was like uhh...john? do u wanna sleepover? he couldnt but it was funny seeing his face when i asked him :-P
so we finally got home and drove john home...then me and my dad almost got lost driving back. i fell asleep watching fairly oddparents and had a weird dream.
so now i might go to the mall later and hang out with peoples.
yea thats it lol
.................comment and i'll luv u forever