XVII ✿ video

Sep 13, 2011 18:34

[It was certainly interesting to say the least, waking up in the hospital only to find that the people who should have been waiting for you weren't there at all. The sight of the hospital room ceiling was all too familiar, what with her having died before, but at least then... there was someone who responded to her right away. Rushing back home only to find an empty apartment--there was no way to even describe it.

Maybe they'd come back though. Sure it sucked being dragged here, but to have been gone being dead or who knows where while they all left? That was just too much.

But here she was, still alone, in an apartment she'd helped build to share but was completely alone in.]

So... would you say it's pretty safe to say that someone's not coming back after three or four weeks? It seems pretty silly to keep waiting on a slim chance like this.

Oh, but this reminds me! [She puts on a smile, but it's obvious that it's not a very real one.] If anyone's looking for a place in Discedo, the place I'm at is pretty open! It's, uh--jeez he picked a long name for it--the Christian Frederick apartments! A lot of us helped build it and it looks really nice to be honest, I'm not just bragging, and... yeah.

It'd be nice to see people here is all.

no i don't like being alone, trying to stay upbeat, can you feel the depression yet, angst angst angst, my friends are all goooone, life is being suckish

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