Final Fantasy VI. Celes/Terra. G. 193 words.
Written for
esper_cave prompt #27 Intentions & #39 Forgiveness.
When Celes first started to look at her, Terra thought nothing of it at first but after a few days, Terra realize that Celes was staring at her longer then when she looked at other people.
It made her feel awkward because Terra was unsure what she was supposed to do in this kind of situation. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to stare back or ignore Celes completely. Not that she could really, since she enjoyed Celes’ company, which made Terra unsure of what she should do.
In the end, it didn’t seem to matter after all since when everything started to fall apart, Celes had one focus and no one could defer her. She was so convinced that Locke was gone and nothing could make her change her mind. At least, nothing that Terra could come up with.
The minute Locke was gone, Celes focus on Terra faded. Celes comfort zone had to do with Locke and once he was gone, she was scared and unsure of herself. So Celes focus was completely on how she could get her comfort zone back so things could be like they once were.