I had something witty and insightful lined up, until my usual Wednesday night viewing pleasure got in the way.
Might I just say something?
24 is the greatest television programme EVER. I mean, come on! It's abso-fucking-lutely insane. I love it, just ever bloody minute of it is brilliant.
Tonight's episode was full of good twists. While I saw one of them coming, another was completely from left field. As there are only three episodes left in the season, I am dying for Channel 7 to dump Air Crash Investigations (taking the 8:30 spot to replace shoddy Heroes), bump Prisonbreak forward an hour, and give us a double 24 to finish the season. That would be brilliant. Freaking awesome.
I have flashbacks now of an early incident in the last season (not to ruin things, but anyone who is watching it and has seen the airport incident will see quite clearly that they're about as dissimilar as Nickelback's music -
http://www.thewebshite.net/nickelback.htm). But somehow? I can still predict an orgasmically ridiculous assault and terrorist takedown.
And I'll give $20 to Matt Reed at work next Tuesday. He totally called it - Mr Bauer was back, just as he predicted.
I think, and this is just a guess, that more named characters have died this season than last. Certainly more than the first - they got game over time! Who haven't they killed this season? Well, a few more came close. But quite a number have been introduced and axed, or just axed from the previous - or axed, brought back and axed, or axed off-screen and brought back. Pretty crazy.
One disappointing thing is that the security guards at CTU have white shirts now. I don't know if it's the summer attire, but... there's no red shirt joke. You know...
Captain Kirk: Alright, I'll take down a team to investigate this alien planet. Myself, Mr Spock, Kitty Karlisle and Ensign Johnstone will go.
Ensign Johnstone (in red shirt): Craaaaaaaap.
Honestly, if you find yourself in the script with either a generic title (think Gentleman in Shakespeare), or a number (I'm looking at you, Stormtrooper #12593321), expect to die. Actually, come to think of it, this is exactly like Shakespeare! I never noticed until just thinking about it now, and with thoughts of King Lear from last period English. Wow.
King Bauer? Jack Lear? Oh, shit yes. Jack Lear, what a name. It's like Harry Glare or Scotty Stare. The King is back, baby.
I hope we see another finale like the one from Day One. That was brilliant. Jack redeemed television in that 15 minute timeslot. Honestly. We've had our Chuck Norris and generic action series #54C for too long, it's time TV sucked in it's gut and gave us the good shit. Clean cut, pulls-no-punches, CTU-tac-team-with-MP5s-storming-an-airport-full-of-terrorists glory.
*sigh* I will have a pleasant sleep tonight. God bless you Kiefer Sutherland. You made me believe that there is a God.
And it's yeeeou! =D