I attended the GIANT Pillow Fight last night! Hundreds of people in the square gleefully hitting each other with pillows. The air was filled with white feathers and you could slip in the down underfoot. Sometimes you were in such a tight crowd you couldn't even swing, just bump along like a really soft and friendly mosh pit. Everyone was playful and it was a great way to get out aggression. Someone shouted, "That man has 11 fingers! He killed my father! Get him!" Some folks had helmets and goggles and bandannas over their mouths. I'm going to do the bandanna next time because feathers in the mouth was not fun. There was a guy on a unicycle. If I got hit by surprise, I would shout out in my best pompus British, "Well struck!"
So. Much. Fun.
The 'Official' Video. If you find me in it, let me know. I didn't have my glasses on + wore a pink scarf.
You all wish you lived in San Francisco.