Name/Journal: Laurel (
Email Address (optional): sailorhathor @
Fandoms: Miracles, Supernatural, Dark Angel, The Ring, Ringu, Sailor Moon, Land of the Lost, more planned (I do a ton of cross-overs)
Link: I like it when people write sequels and take inspiration from my stuff as long as they let me know before they post it anywhere where other people can read it.
I'd like to be able to put anything written from one of my fics on my website, so keep that in mind. You can promote it elsewhere too as long as you give me credit for what you took from my story.
I'm a little leery of remixes. I'd really like to hear what you have planned before you do it. It would bother me if someone broke up a couple I put together, remixed it so they didn't really care for each other, or something like that. I do have a remix on my wishlist, though; I'd love it if someone wrote
Lacerated Sky from Sam's point-of-view (Supernatural, Rated NC-17).
Things that are off limits are original universes and anything written with a co-writer. This includes everything written in the SOPI universe and some of the "Sailor Moon" stuff. It's all marked as being SOPI or written with a co-writer/RPG partner. I can't speak for those other people. However, if you like a character of mine from SOPI and want to write something with them in it, let me know. We could discuss that. Oh, and you can't do anything with stories written by other people, of course - I've got a few of my friends' stories on my site. Only consider things written by Laurel.
I agree with the other things
angiepen said: Anything that you write is not canon in my universe unless I really like it. Then I will ask you if I can incorporate it into my canon. I appreciate anything I get, but some stuff you write just may not fit into what I have planned. If you write something based on my story and it just so happens to coincidentally be close to or exactly like what I have planned for that story's future, I'm probably still going to write what I have planned. This especially applies to WIP's. I'll explain the similiarities in the Author's Notes so readers will understand what happened.
Do NOT use anything that you write from my stories to make a profit!!! No pro publishing, no posting on websites you have to pay to read, and no posting on websites that make a profit from fanfic or original fic (this does not include and sites like that, but it does include sites like FanLib). You'll have to talk to me about snail-mail fanzines because I used to run one myself years ago (Demented/Planet Demented) and I might consider that as long as the zine was cool and pretty underground.
I think that's it. I'll add new fandoms as stories get written.