Original Fic:
Fairy-Tale Ending, by
astrogirl2Remix: Tongue-Tied (Resurrection Remix) [Jack, 100 Words, Rated G], by
kernezelda There is nothing.
No heat, no energy. Only emptiness.
After a time, life appears - too distant to taste, but heat and moisture stir awareness - awaken hunger. It draws near.
Stimulus demands response: wetness, warmth - sensations that mean…
There isn’t enough nourishment to seize upon. Consciousness, faint already, recedes.
Sensation returns via multiple points of contact. The encroaching essence grows even more compelling. Hunger expands into need.
Need outweighs inertia. Remnants of power force cold flesh to imitate external actions. The life flares high.
want need FEED
Bright streams of vitality soak deep, fuel a return to awareness.
It opens Jack’s eyes.