★ [ Marigold/Tom | G | 100 words ]
Events leading up to a wedding.
Original story:
Marigold’s Wedding by
dreamflower02, 3,209 words.
Remix author:
hyel One More Perfect Day (The Lead Up Remix)
Tom was the lanky boy Marigold’s brother was friends with, who dunked a bucket of water on her once, but came back later to apologize. She’d hated him for that day, and had a crush on him ever since.
Tom wasn’t romantic like Mr Frodo or glamorous like Hawthorn Hardbottle. He was quiet and bony and Marigold loved him to distraction.
When she was a child, she’d dreamed of princes. When she was all grown, and Tom away hiding from the ruffians, she thought there weren’t any more perfect days left in the world. Her wedding day proved her wrong.