DCU: Family (The Grass Is Greener Remix)

May 28, 2007 03:04

[ Dana Winters-Drake, Bart Allen, Kon-El | G | 139 words ]
Dana chooses ignorance.

Original story: The Power of Charm, by rubynye, 392 words.
Remix author: 1_900_mimicry

Family (The Grass Is Greener Remix)

It had never been her intention to replace Tim’s mother when she married Jack, but as months turned to years Dana had to admit that any woman would be lucky to have him for a son.

He was smart, and though fiercely independent, he never showed any contempt to her.

The boys glaring and subtly pushing each other on her doorstep merely bring to life all the disquiet lurking at the back of this family they’ve made for each other, and so when they begin their nervous explanation Dana helps string them along. She pushes everything back as she swings the door open to let them pass, focusing on what’s most important, that Tim has people that care for him.

She isn’t his mother, even though she wishes she was. Perhaps then it would be her right to comment.

remix author: 1_900_mimicry, -round 1-, fandom: dcu, original author: rubynye

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