❤ [ Mohinder Suresh/Peter Petrelli, implied Mohinder/Sylar | PG | 100 words ]
Mohinder has to let go of what he’s done to move forward.
Original story:
Real by
tinheart, 100 words.
Remix author:
trascendenza Real (The Believing It Remix)
He isn’t Zane.
The realization sinks home, destroying the house of cards that is their false intimacy.
“I was such a fool,” Mohinder says bitterly, nails biting into his palms, drawing blood. Peter gently uncurls his fingers, and listens.
“I… Peter, I don’t think we ought…”
“You’re right.” Peter traces his thumb under Mohinder’s eye, soft. “Not until you forgive yourself.”
Mohinder looks away.
He shows up at Peter’s doorstep dripping wet, eyes bloodshot. “What I loved wasn’t real,” he says by way of introduction.
Peter takes his hand, gently kisses him; Mohinder kisses back, completely.
“This is,” Peter whispers.