Wizards Of Waverly Place: Fragmented (The Petrified Remix)

Oct 14, 2009 15:34

Original Fic: Fragmented, by applepips16
Remix: Fragmented (The Petrified Remix) [Justin/Alex implied, 100 words, rated T], by moirariordan

The first time, she felt guilty. The second time, she felt embarrassed, but by now it’s just getting ridiculous. Sometimes he freezes in awkward positions, but when that happens she likes it better. It makes him look more real than when she catches him in a natural pose, when he looks more like a mannequin or a magazine model.

Would it have permanent effects? She wonders. Would somebody notice? Probably. She figures. If it’d even matter - she doesn’t know. More important: she doesn’t care.

All she knows: this is totally fucked up. (But she tries not to think about it.)

remix author: moirariordan, fandom: wizards of waverly place, original author: applepips16, -round 7-

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