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MY HIGHLY DETAILED AND WELL-THOUGHT-OUT ANALYSIS theswearingkind October 29 2009, 04:46:32 UTC
Merton was in what could only be termed a Sarah Michelle Gellar-coming-into-his-lair-and-deflowering-him good mood. WIN.

primary silent stockholder behind ChocDrinks, Inc., the esteemed manufacturers of the sweet ambrosia that sustained him WIN WIN WIN.

Tommy was kissing someone, someone who wasn't Merton, he was here in Merton's Lair, and he was kissing someone and nine gates of hell weren't nearly enough to put this usuper through, Merton was seriously considering petitioning that they add, oh, another hundred thousand or so, and he'd be more than happy to personally escort this man-stealing back-stabbing sub-human through each and every one-- WIN SOME MORE.

the last thing he heard before it all went black was his own voice asking bemusedly, "does this mean our date's off?" AND YET MORE WIN.

and still thought that every time Merton said the word "pi" that he meant a delicious flaky crust and warm fruit filling KEEP RIGHT ON WINNING.

Somewhere midway in the midst his detailed and analytical comparison of Tommy Primus' (aka his Tommy) Ryan Reynolds-shirtless-and-chained-in-Blade III sex appeal with Tommy Secundus' (formerly The Usuper, aka alterna-Tommy aka Secundie for short) Guys and Dolls-era Marlon Brando-esque panache, he realized he was still clothed only in a towel, and oh my God, there were two Tommys, and they were both looking at him with their sexy-hungry-yellow-almost-wolfed-out-eyes, and they were both sitting right next to him and sidling closer hoo boy, this was going to be like the coolest date in the history of ever times two. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WIN THE UNIVERSE.

Try not to be intimidated by my incredible feedback. It's a gift few possess.


Re: MY HIGHLY DETAILED AND WELL-THOUGHT-OUT ANALYSIS theswearingkind October 30 2009, 23:14:50 UTC

i'm so happy you liked it, sweetie, 'cause that fic was one of the best birthday presents i ever got, so i'm glad i could reciprocate some of that :D



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