Original Fic:
Hush, Little Baby, by
simplystarsRemix: Basic Education (The Singing Mockingbird Remix) [Crichton, Aeryn, Little D, 100 words, rated PG, slightly spoilery for The Peacekeeper Wars], by
astrogirl2 Chubby little fingers tighten around the pulse pistol's grip, and a million horror stories flash across Crichton's mind: PSAs, movies of the week, local news anchors with bad hair and carefully calculated expressions sticking microphones in the faces of guilty, grieving parents. Hell, even good ol' Southern boys know that guns and toddlers do not go together.
"That's very good, D'Argo," says Aeryn, her voice full of maternal pride. "You're learning."
Crichton's learning, too. Every day he's out here, he's learning, even now. Some days, he really wishes he wasn't.
D'Argo smiles, and Mommy's fingers guide him to the trigger.