Original Fic:
The Mystery of Coffee, by
goddess47Remix: Fuel (The Morning-Afterish Remix) [McKay/Sheppard, 100 Words, Rated G] by
iamsab Rodney drained his second cup of coffee, half asleep while John ate Froot Loops. He set the mug on the table, and when he picked it up it was full again. "Huh."
"Good?" John asked.
"Every morning when I finish my coffee, more appears," Rodney said. "Clearly I'm refilling it purely on instinct without realizing it. My brain, gathering fuel, as it were."
John laughed. His Froot Loops were soggy. He put down the carafe. Rodney blinked.
"Oh," he said.
"Yeah," said John.
"Every day?"
John reached over to brush a toast crumb from Rodney's cheek. "Every day," he said.