Original Fic:
Sin To See Her Again, by
sabinelagrandeRemix: Four Horses, Seven Seals (The Pale Horse Remix) [Alucard/Integra, 100 Words, Rated PG, AU/futurefic] by
lady_ganesh The bodies matter not at all to her now, their blood merely a soothing distraction amidst the chaos. The sword, which would have brought a human to his knees, is the right weight.
Alucard asks if saving her virginity was worth it, for this.
She merely shakes her head. It has never been a question of choice, after all. She is Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. She does what she should and what she must. If it is not the fate she expected, who is she to complain?
Alucard's horse is pale. She has opened the seal.
The end begins now.